Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wisconsin Governor Doyle considers Bill Outlawing Indian Mascots

Wisconsin Governor Doyle Considers Bill Outlawing Indian Mascots
The Wisconsin Assembly passed a bill and Governor Doyle sign a bill that requires school districts to stop using Indian and "race-based" mascots, logos and nicknames found to promote discrimination or face monetary penalties.

There are currently more than 30 school districts with mascots or logos that could be directly affected. Some of the nicknames in question include the Redmen, Chieftans, and Warriors. Wisconsin would require the state superintendent to immediately review complaints from any school district resident. The superintendent may decide to schedule a hearing on the matter, but may decide its not necessary.
For example, a hearing would not be necessary - or could be postponed - if a school district could prove several factors, including the basis of a complaint is a depiction is of a specific, federally-recognized Indian tribe, and that tribe granted approval to the school board to use its name.

Assembly Expected To Vote On Wis. School Mascot Debate

Assembly cracks down on Indian mascots

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